The post-vacation paradox: Why your holiday leaves you exhausted

27 Aug 2024
7 mins read
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We all love to travel, but have you ever felt like you need a vacation after your vacation? Instead of feeling refreshed, you end up even more tired! Some call it post-holiday blues, others blame it on getting older. And you might be wondering, “Why am I so tired when all I did was sit on a plane?”


But what if there’s more to it?


In this article, we dive into other possible reasons for those aches and that fatigue. Let’s uncover the mystery together!

The oxygen factor: How lower air pressure affects your body

Here’s a fun fact: Airplanes are pressurised to an altitude above sea level, typically between 6,000 and 8,000 feet. This means you’re not getting as much oxygen as you would on the ground. While you might not notice it, your body certainly does — it’s like hiking at high altitudes where you get tired more quickly because the air is thinner.


But here’s the good news! Newer airplanes like the 787 and A350 are designed for extra comfort, with cabins pressurised at around 6,000 feet. So, if you want to minimise fatigue on long flights, these are the planes to look out for!

The hidden toll of travel: How tiny vibrations sap your energy

Your body is a wonder, even when you’re totally unaware! While you’re sitting there blissfully, it’s busy handling all those tiny vibrations. Need some examples? Whether you’re on a plane, car, or bus, your body feels those minuscule vibrations and tries to counteract them with subtle movements. Every time the plane shifts or the car hits a bump, your body makes tiny adjustments. It’s definitely not like lounging on your comfy sofa at home.


This effort and energy add up, especially when you’re cramped into a small seat. Staying in position takes a lot of muscle power, and it can be downright exhausting! And let’s be real — economy class seats are no picnic either. Who needs planks to activate your core? Just take a plane ride, and you’re all set!

Water yourself like a plant: Why staying hydrated matters

Ever wondered why frequent flyers are always slathering on face masks, lip balms, and moisturisers? It’s because airplane air is notoriously dry, thanks to that air pressure we mentioned earlier. But here’s a silver lining: newer planes like the 787 and A350 come with extra moisture (hello, humidity!). Total game-changer!


And if flying gives you the jitters, you might lose even more moisture. So, just like you pamper your skin with moisturiser, don’t forget to hydrate from the inside too. Bottoms up, folks! Choose your drinks wisely and keep those fluids flowing!

Travel can be more stressful than you think

Travel can be a real stress-fest. Say what? Isn’t the whole point of travelling to unwind? Picture this: you’re crammed into a tiny space with a bunch of other people (and their germs) for hours on end, surrounded by engine noise, various cabin sounds, and folks constantly bumping into you.


In short, your mind is on high alert. Unlike your day-to-day life where you might be on screensaver mode, travelling requires constant awareness —waking up on time, getting to the airport, dropping off bags, navigating security checks, and making sure you don’t miss your flight.


Your brain is constantly buzzing with the next milestone in your trip. It’s like switching from autopilot to manual control.


Throw in the lack of sleep on flights, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for a short fuse and pushing your body beyond its usual limits.

The struggles of catching z’s in the sky

Gone are the days when bragging about your lack of sleep was cool. Nowadays, experts say sleep is the ultimate performance enhancer!


And guess what? It’s the one thing we miss out on the most when travelling. Jet lag and mismatched meal times can really throw your body off. The longer the flight, the bigger the time zone shift.


But seriously, how much shut-eye can you get when you’re cramped in an uncomfortable seat, surrounded by engine noise, crying kids, and constant chatter? It’s a challenge, to say the least!

The perks of paying for comfort

Ever wondered if flying business or first class can beat travel fatigue? Spoiler alert: the chances of stepping off a long flight feeling fresh as a daisy are pretty high!


While the low oxygen levels in the air remain the same (sorry, no magic air upgrades here), being well-rested, and using top-notch noise-cancelling headphones really does make a world of difference.

Ways to beat travel fatigue

Drink up

Flights can get pretty dry, so stay hydrated! The only thing standing between you and a comfy rest is your bladder and your willingness to make frequent bathroom trips.


Sleep is the ultimate weapon against fatigue. Arm yourself with noise-cancelling headphones, ear plugs, a travel pillow, a cozy blanket, and anything else that will keep you warm and fuzzy. Knock yourself out (not literally!) for a good sleep in those cramped economy seats.

Mask up

Whether it’s dodging viruses or fending off allergens in new areas, masking up is your safest bet. We’ve all mastered this during the COVID era, so it should be a breeze!

Plan your flights properly

Many folks opt for red-eye flights to maximise their day, but that often leads to a marathon of chaos — packing late, arriving at strange hours, and jumping straight into action upon landing.


Why not aim to arrive at dinnertime instead? Land, grab your bags, handle immigration if needed, check into your hotel, and get something to eat. Then crash into bed and wake up refreshed and ready to go in the morning.


And for jet lag? Adjust your meal and sleep schedule and stay disciplined. It’s the only way to beat the jet lag blues.

Before you go…

We hope these tips help you conquer travel fatigue, whether you’re an expat planning a trip home or a Singaporean gearing up for a leisure adventure abroad. Remember, beating fatigue is just part of the travel game. Why make things harder than they need to be? Simplify and make it easier on yourself.


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Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only. All details are accurate at the time of publishing. Instarem has no affiliation or relationship with products or vendors mentioned.


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