This article covers:
You may have noticed that our website looks very different today. Rest assured – you’re still at the right place! We’re simply revamping our image with a fresh new look.
So, why the sudden change?
Six years ago, Instarem was founded with a mission to improve the cross-border payments experience for consumers in the APAC region. Since then, we’ve enhanced our offering significantly and scaled up rapidly with operations that now span across six continents. And while our core mission hasn’t changed, we want to do even more for our customers.
Our customers today need us for more than quick and affordable money transfers. They need us to add value and simplify the way they handle their money across all aspects of life.
As we continue our journey to bring this vision to life, we thought it was only fitting to start with a fresh, bold new look that better reflects our commitment. This rebrand sets the stage for us to become an all-in-one consumer app in the future. With Money Simple as our new tagline, it articulates our promise to our customers in enabling simple money management.
Over the upcoming weeks you’ll start to notice our bold new identity with vibrant colours and designs across all ways of interacting with us. You can’t miss it!
Watch here to get a peek!
An upgraded mobile experience
Aside from our snazzy new look, we’ve also committed to upgrading our mobile app experience for customers.
For Singapore customers, we’ve already upgraded our app to better improve your experience. Don’t worry – all the familiar functionalities have stayed intact. In fact, we have added some new cool ones, including:
- Better navigation, so you get things done faster, with minimal clicks.
- Message centre to keep you in the know with the latest news and promos.
- Quick Send functionality to send money faster, to your ‘favourite’ beneficiaries – yes, the ones you send money most frequently to.
- Quick access to your recent transfers– they are now right there on your dashboard.
- Dark Mode theme. (Don’t worry you can always switch the light back on – the choice is yours!)
To access the new app, Singapore customers should update the app via their app store. While we embrace these changes, using your Instarem account remains unchanged, and you may use the same login details.
As for our other customers out there – don’t fret! You haven’t been forgotten! Over the coming months, we’re working hard to bring Instarem’s new and approved mobile app to more customers around the world.
In the meantime, keep an ‘I’ on us! Be sure to follow us across our social channels, as we’ll be announcing some exciting news over the coming months 😉
We thank you for being on this journey with us, and for counting on us to move your money anywhere in the world. We promise to stay true to who we are, and continue to keep things as they should be. Simple.