Work visa Australia: 6 highest in-demand jobs

Expat life
12 Dec 2022
8 mins read
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So you want to move to Australia, huh? You’ve heard about the beautiful beaches, the friendly locals, and the great weather. But what about the job market? Can you really find work Down Under?


The answer is a resounding yes! In fact, there are plenty of high in-demand jobs in Australia.


Here are six of the highest in-demand jobs in Australia! 

Registered Nurse

It’s no secret that the nursing shortage in Australia is reaching critical levels.


More than two and a half years into the pandemic, COVID cases are again on the rise, and nurses are needed more than ever.


However, nurses are burnt out and fatigued, and some are even leaving the industry. The situation is only worsening; a recent report predicted Australia’s demand for nurses would significantly exceed supply, with a projected shortfall of 85,000 nurses by 2025 or 123,000 by 2030.


In general, registered nurses are responsible for providing and coordinating patient care, as well as educating patients and their families about health conditions.


If you are looking to move to Australia to work as a nurse, here are some things you need to be aware of.


There are two steps you need to take in order to work as a nurse or midwife in Australia:


  1. Register with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA), and
  2. Apply for a visa from the Australian Department of Home Affairs.


Keep in mind that these two processes are separate and just because you are successful in one does not mean you will be successful in the other. You need both in order to work in Australia.


There are two organizations at play to determine your suitability.


The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC): will look at your work experience when assessing your qualifications. This is used to decide if you are suitable for a skilled migration visa.


The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) assesses applications for registration from nurses and midwives who have qualifications from other countries. They are doing this on behalf of NMBA. They will help decide if an applicant’s qualifications are similar to Australian ones.


Once you have registered and obtained your visa, you can then apply for a nursing job in Australia through the normal channels.


Some of the best places to look for nursing jobs in Australia are:


  • job websites like Indeed, Seek, and CareerOne;
  • state health department websites;
  • hospital websites;
  • nursing agencies.


You can also try contacting hospitals directly to inquire about any open positions.


So, if you are a registered nurse looking for a high-demand job in Australia, keep these things in mind and you will be on your way to finding employment Down Under!


Australia is facing a bit of a predicament. In just a few short years, the country is projected to have a shortage of more than 4,000 high school teachers. This is especially problematic in rural and remote schools, as well as in subjects like maths and science.


One possible solution (suggested by Australian politicians) to this problem is to bring in more teachers from overseas. 


Areas of teacher shortage include:



Typical requirements to be a teacher include:


  • English proficiency
  • Complete a certain number of hours for supervised teaching practice
  • Education background that is comparable to the educational level of an Australian Bachelor’s degree


To be a teacher in Australia you will need to register for The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Skills Assessment. This will cost you AUD 1050.


Once you are done, you can apply for a job and ask a school to sponsor your work visa or apply for a Skilled migration visa.

Construction managers

According to the Australian government, there is currently a shortage of construction managers in the country.


Part of the job requirements include:


  • making sure everything goes smoothly during the construction of a project.
  • work with architects, other professionals, and tradespeople to make sure everything is completed on time and within budget.
  • make sure that the construction process follows all building legislation and standards.


Of course, landing a job in construction management won’t be easy. You’ll need to prove that you have the necessary skills and experience. The best way to do this is by getting your credentials assessed by VETASSESS. The ANZSCO is 133111.


Expect to pay AUD $962.00 for the processing fee.


After you have successfully passed the assessment by VETASSESS, you can apply for a visa and a construction manager job in Australia.


When most people think of an electrician, they picture someone arriving to fix a blown fuse or wire up a new light fixture.


While it’s true that electricians do perform these types of tasks on a daily basis, their job is actually much more complex.


Electricians are responsible for designing, assembling, installing, testing, commissioning, diagnosing, and repairing electrical systems. They also service and repair lift, escalators, and other related equipment.


In other words, electricians are the masterminds behind the scenes who keep our lights shining and our elevators moving. 


Australia currently lacks the following:



Take note Automative Electricians are in a class of their own because it involves skilled work in the installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical wiring, equipment, and systems in motor vehicles such as cars, buses, trucks, and motorcycles.


As an overseas electrician, you will need to apply for a temporary skills shortage (subclass 482) visa. But before you even want to get started on your visa, you will need to get your qualifications checked.


To work as an electrician in Australia, you’ll need to have your qualifications assessed by Trades Recognition Australia (TRA). The cost is listed on TRA’s website.


When most people think of engineers, they picture someone in a hard hat working on a construction site.


However, engineering is one of the most diverse and exciting fields, with applications in everything from medical devices to space exploration.


At its core, engineering is all about problem-solving. When faced with a challenge, engineers use science and mathematics to develop creative solutions that are both effective and efficient. 


Here are some of the engineering jobs in demand:



Most of these job qualifications are assessed by Engineers Australia. Fees are expected to range between AUD 489.50 to AUD 1160.50. Expect the fees to pile up if you require multiple assessments.


For an aeronautical or computer engineering job, your qualifications may be assessed by Trades Recognition Australia instead.


If you are unclear, the Australia department of home affairs has listed down the type of visa and assessing authority you will need to apply for an engineering job in Australia.

Child Carers

Enjoy working with kids?


Well, being a child carer is a lot of work, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. You’ll get to help children grow and develop, and you’ll form bonds with them that will last a lifetime. Plus, you’ll get plenty of cuddles along the way!


The job can be demanding, but if you’re patient and enjoy being around kids, then it might be perfect for you.


Child carers work in a variety of settings, including long day care, occasional care, childcare centres, hospitals, and educational centres.


The Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) is the approved Assessing Authority for two specific jobs:



Employers are apparently having difficulty finding suitable candidates for advertised positions, with an average of fewer than two applicants per vacancy. The situation is only likely to get worse, with the country projected to be short more than 200,000 carers by 2050.


So the odds are pretty good that if you have the right qualifications, you can find a job quite easily.

Keep in mind that these jobs may require additional training or certification

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? If so, start exploring these roles today and see which one is the perfect fit for you.

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*Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only. All details are accurate at the time of publishing. Instarem has no affiliation or relationship with products or vendors mentioned.

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